The Board of Managers reviews and acts on grant requests semi-annually at meetings held in June and December of each year. Applications must be received by May 15th to be on the agenda for the June meeting, and by November 15th to be scheduled for the December meeting.
A new grant will not be considered until the Final Report from any outstanding grant has been filed with the Foundation.
Each grant application must provide a cover letter signed by the chief executive officer of the parent organization of the project, which must also include an executive summary outlining the project and the amount of funds being requested. Requests without such a document will not be considered.
Applications are submitted via the Prentiss Foundation's online portal. As well as organizational and contact information, be prepared to provide:
- Cover Letter: Document must include an Executive summary of project, amount requested, signature of chief executive officer of parent organization
- Organizational Background: History, mission, types of programs offered, constituencies served and affiliations with other organizations
- Organizational Budget: Current year budget and proposed budget for year(s) showing both income and expenses, the organization's most recent audited financial statements
- Project Description: Justification of need, specific goals and objectives, activities planned to meet goals and objectives, project timeline, qualifications of key personnel, methods of evaluation
- Project Budget: Anticipated expenses, including details about how Foundation funds will be used, and anticipated income, including information about other sources approached for funding
- Supporting Documents: e.g. an IRS letter confirming 501(c)(3) status and classification as a public charity (if not listed with GuideStar); a PDF providing pertinent details not otherwise requested or testimonials in support of the project
Email questions or issues with the online portal to the foundation's Secretary at