Ramsey County helps children and adults with disabilities live healthy and well in the community. We may coordinate employment, housing, care services and more to meet residents' choices and needs.
To find out if you or someone in your care is eligible for disability services, request a MnCHOICES intake assessment online or by calling 651-266-3613.
Ramsey County provides services for people who were diagnosed before age 22 with a disability that affects the way they communicate, learn and make decisions.
The Community Alternatives for Disabled Individuals (CADI) waiver provided by the Minnesota Department of Health provides funding for home and community-based services for children and adults, who would otherwise require the level of care provided in a nursing facility.
People with disabilities are best served alongside everyone else, and should be integrated into the community as much as possible, with the support of programs and services necessary to be successful.
Ramsey County helps residents navigate state funding programs for physical and intellectual disabilities.
Funding through a Brain Injury Waiver is available for children and adults who have acquired a traumatic brain injury and would otherwise require the level of care provided in either a nursing facility or neurobehavioral hospital.
The Community Alternative Care (CAC) waiver provides funding for home and community-based services for children and adults who are chronically ill. The waiver is designed to serve persons with disabilities who would otherwise require the level of care provided in a hospital.
The State of Minnesota offers Medical Assistance and other insurance programs to help people with disabilities pay medical bills.