Affidavit judgment maryland district court

Affidavit judgments are widely used in Maryland District Courts. These are Maryland courts where the amount in controversy is less than $30,000. When the plaintiff sues for a liquidated debt (a debt that is in an exact amount, such as on a note or account receivable) someone for the plaintiff may sign the complaint form under penalty of perjury that the contents of the claim are correct to the best of his knowledge. If the defendant does not answer the court will enter judgment without the plaintiff doing anything else.

Because most small liquidated claims are not subject to any legitimate dispute affidavit judgments can be very useful. As a result, the plaintiff does not need to take extra steps to obtain its judgment. Simply signing the affidavit on the complaint will almost always lead to entry of a judgment. On the other hand, if the defendant does respond the parties will likely need to have a trial.

Posted May 24th, 2016 by LPM Dev

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