All students, including transfer students, under the age of 21 who have earned fewer than 24 credit hours from an accredited institution between their high school graduation date and the first day of classes must live in freshman-designated University housing during their first year at OU. Students admitted for the summer or fall semester must live on campus for their first fall and spring semester at OU. Students admitted for the spring semester must live on campus for their first spring semester at OU. Students who meet one of the eligible exceptions may apply to the University Housing Review Committee (the “UHRC”) for an exemption.
The UHRC, appointed by the University President, is established to improve student outcomes and retention by assisting students in acquiring on-campus housing. The UHRC is charged with reviewing applications, pursuing resolutions, allocating Residential Scholarships / resources, granting exemptions, and evaluating and determining other contract-related issues.
In order to request exemption from the housing policy for incoming students, at least one of the eligible exceptions listed below must be met by the first day of classes. The University President is authorized to develop additional procedures and requirements as necessary to implement the purpose of this policy.
All incoming first-year students must either complete the first-year housing application or receive approval for exemption from the first-year housing policy. If applying for exemption, we strongly recommend a student also complete the housing application in order to have housing preferences submitted in case the exemption application is not approved. Both the application and the exemption application form can be accessed at Failure to complete a first-year housing application or be approved for an exemption will result in financial penalties.
Violations by students who do not meet Regents’ exemption criteria or fail to follow exemption procedures will incur a $3,000 financial fine.
Questions regarding the Regents’ policy and the application for exemption from the first-year housing policy should be directed to 405-325-2511 or