Confidentiality Agreement Template

Use our confidentiality agreement to protect your sensitive information.

confidentiality agreement template

Updated September 4, 2024
Written by Josh Sainsbury | Reviewed by Brooke Davis

A confidentiality agreement is a legally binding contract to protect confidential or proprietary information shared between businesses or individuals. The parties agree to only use the confidential information for its intended purpose and implement safeguards for its handling and usage. It includes ensuring that information isn’t disclosed to unauthorized individuals.

Use a confidentiality agreement if you need a party to keep specific information disclosed for a certain period or as long as the relationship with that party lasts, whether as a business or between individuals.

What Is Confidential Information?

What is confidential information?

Confidential information refers to sensitive information intended to remain secret. It should not be disclosed to unauthorized individuals or entities. When one party (the disclosing party) shares confidential information with the other (the receiving party), they typically do so with a specific intention or common objective.

Confidential information can take various forms, such as verbal communication, written documents, observed processes, or electronically transmitted files.

Forms of confidential information

Confidentiality vs. Privacy

Confidentiality refers to the duty not to disclose certain information without permission to third parties, often arising from a contract or business relationship. Privacy is the right to keep personal details out of the public eye, protected by law against unwarranted intrusion.

While both involve information, confidentiality deals with the obligation to protect it, while privacy concerns an individual’s right to control their access.

What Can Be Considered Confidential Information?

What can be <a href=considered confidential information" width="1024" height="768" />

A confidentiality agreement can specify that various types of information are confidential, including the following:

The disclosing party should clearly define and elaborate on the confidential information to align it with the agreement’s scope and purpose.

What Cannot Be Considered Confidential Information?

What cannot be <a href=considered confidential information" width="1024" height="768" />

Instances in which information disclosed can’t be deemed confidential include:

When Should I Use a Confidentiality Agreement?

If you and another individual or business wish to pursue a relationship that requires disclosing confidential information, you should use a confidentiality agreement. Consider creating this agreement if you engage with the following individuals or entities:

What to Include in a Confidentiality Agreement

A standard confidentiality agreement should include the following information:

Confidentiality Agreement Sample

Download a free confidentiality agreement template below as a PDF or Word file: